1997 sony wm-gx322 内置立体声扬声器的「收录机」 Walkman随身听

sony wm-gx322

迷你收录机感觉的 Walkman,内置   SONY110mW+110mW的立体声扬声器,拥有不错的外放音质。搭载了实时录音和收音调谐功能,播放时也具备自动翻转和播放速度调整功能(+25至-20%)。


播放  金属带  播放 自动翻转FMAM 录音 重低音

1997 sony wm-gx322 “recorder” with built-in stereo speakers

Walkman, which feels like a mini-recorder, has built-in SONY110mW + 110mW stereo speakers, and has good sound quality. Equipped with real-time recording and radio tuning functions, it also has automatic flip and playback speed adjustment functions during playback (+25 to -20%)

New product release price: 12,000 yen / body size: 116.0 × 89.0 × 39.0 mm / weight 240 g / power supply No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 22 hours (using alkaline batteries)

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