1995 sony wm-ex911 可轻松收纳遥控器和耳机 Walkman随身听

sony wm-ex911

采用D字造型的伸缩式有线遥控器,可以从主机中拉出,另外耳机是从遥控器中拉出,在收纳时都可自动卷起,细而结实的耳机线采用高强聚酯纤维  材料制成。具有18小时连续播放和11倍速歌曲检索等功能。  

新品发行价:1万9000日元/机身尺寸:108.4×77.×27.6毫米/重量:190克  电源口香糖电池或5号电池×1节/续航时间5小时(使用口香糖充电电池)

金属带  自动翻转快速选曲跳过

充电电池重低音 DOLBY  专用  遥控器

1995 sony wm-ex911 can easily store the remote control and headphones

The telescopic wired remote control with D shape can be pulled out from the main unit. In addition, the headphones are pulled out from the remote control and can be automatically rolled up when stored. The thin and strong earphone cable is made of high-strength polyester fiber material to make. With 18 hours of continuous playback and 11 times speed song retrieval and other functions.

New product release price: 19,000 yen / body size: 108.4 × 77. × 27.6mm / weight: 190g

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